Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First day of school

Well the boys have been at school for 2 days now, as I was too lazy to do anything yesterday, and so on the first day when they got home I asked them how it went and they both said I got lost a bunch of times. I asked Taylor when we got his schedule if he wanted to go and look for his classes but he declined, so he kinda got what he deserved, but Parker on the other hand, oh boy what a silly guy, I took him a few days before school started to find all of his classes of which most of his classes are all in the same hall. He told me he had to keep going to the office to find out where all the halls were. UH DUH! I had to laugh, as I told him all his classes were in the same hall. One of his classrooms is directly behind him when he is at his locker even!! Well apparently he was also bored the first day, but he said that now that they are actually starting to learn stuff and doing classwork it is getting better.
As for Taylor being in High School--- Well all I can say is I feel as though I am losing it. He is almost sixteen and his friends are all already sixteen and they drive. He rides with his friend Corey every morning and every afternoon and I dont know but for some reason it just kinda freaks me out. I did the same thing at that age and I am still alive and well but I guess it is just different when you are the parent. Then I was thinking about the weekend activities the high school has like football games and dances and that freaks me out even more!! Oh help me!! I just dont think I am ready for all of this. Mom and Dad how did you deal with it?? Is this normal or am I being a complete control freak?? I feel so out of control and I hate it!! So any advice would be really great!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Back to school

Oh my goodness, today Taylor started High School and Parker started Middle School!! I am soo nervous for them. Even though when I was driving Parker to school this morning I asked him if he was nervous and excited and he said , " a little", but he seemed to be doing better than I am! I just cant believe that this time has come that my two oldest are in high school and middle school!! The time has gone by sooo fast!! I cant wait until they get home so they can tell me all about their first day!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Cant wait...and getting closer!!

OK only 86 days to go until we leave for Hawaii!! I still cant wait but fortunately for me it is getting closer!!! YYYEEEEAAAA!!! This is a bad pic but you get the jest of it! :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Thanks to Ashlynn!!

My kids would like to thank their Aunt Ashlynn for getting their mom involved in blogging!! Apparently I have become somewhat of a blog junkie!! OBVIOUSLY, it is almost 2:30 p.m. and Parker took this pic of me still blogging from this morning!! Whoa, do they have a support group for this??

Aidan and Caleb

This is Aidan and his best friend from across the street Caleb. These two love to jump on the trampoline and play basketball. I will have to get a pic of the two of them when they are playing "hoop". They are so cute!!

Morg's B-day "party"

We had just a little family get together for Morgan's Birthday here is her cake and then she opened her gift. We were surprised she wanted an air soft gun. She just wants to be able to go to the fields to shoot with her brother's I guess. We also had a Bar-b-que with Allen's family for her and Wade's(Allen's nephew) birthdays. We had a good time.

At the Gardens Continued...

Morgan's Birthday at the Gardens

On saturday was Morgan's birthday! She turned 11!! Wow time goes by sooo fast! She wanted to go to the Red Butte Gardens (one of our favorite places to go, thanks Ash for the family pass). The kids loved playing in the fountains and hunting for dinosaurs, we loved looking at all the neat plants and flowers. They also go to dig dino bones and feed the koi in the pond. There is so much to do here and to look at. We were here for about 3 hours this day, we usually say we will stay for an hour or so but it always ends up to be longer. We have found alot of other places that offer family passes for $50.00 for a whole year. It has been great oh and I also found out that Allen and I can go to the gardens in Hawaii too for free with our cards, I am sooo excited about that!!


I personally cannot stand Barney, but all of my kids as toddlers have loved this big purple dinosaur!! This is Brielle watching Barney the other day, I think she thinks if she is right up to the T.V. she will be able to actually touch Barney. She really does love music and dancing tho, who knows maybe she will become a singer or dancer or maybe even both.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

House in Hawaii

Ok here is the house in Hawaii that my parents have rented for all of us, it looks so nice and I cannot wait even though I have to!! Only 93 days, WOOHOO!!! Allen and I have decided that we are going to go with my insane mom and go into the cages to swim with the sharks. I guess no swimming with dolphins that is just to mellow for us!! Anyway this trip is going to be a blast!!