Monday, March 17, 2008


Ok I found a new really cool thing to do on Mondays with my awesome friends. The Larry H Miller theaters host a mommy on mondays thing where all the kids are free under 5 and moms get in for $5. WOOHOO now that Allen is going to be working from home this will be a life saver for us. Today we saw Horton hears a Who. Cute movie, the kids sat thru the whole thing so that was fun, the only thing is that there are babies crying and kids screaming and popcorn and candy everywhere. But it was great fun!! After that we went to McDonalds and the kids played, Brielle got stuck on the very top level so of course who had to go in after her? Yep that's right it was me and let me tell you those playareas are not made for people over 4 feet tall!! OUCH on my back!! What a fun day tho and looking forward to next week.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Long Boring Weekend!!

Ok so maybe not long but it is boring!! Well maybe not for Allen, tonight was his first time going out with the guys in our ward. They are going to a movie, they wanted to see Semi Pro but we found out this evening that it is rated R. Too bad, cuz it kinda looked funny. Two wednesdays from now tho it will be my turn with the girls so that's not so bad, but really this weekend blew!! The only "fun" thing we did was get breakfast at McDonald's. YIPPEEE!! the fruit and yogurt thing was good. Oh yeah and Allen and I got to grocery shop at Wal-Mart kid free, that was kinda nice. AAHHH I need help any suggestions for two old people with kids on how to have a fun weekend??? Please leave your comments! :)