It's summer and we are BUSY!!
Whoahhh! the summer is just flying by and we have done so much already. I have pics so I will just highlight some of the things and places we have been. We have been to the zoo twice and then Allen and I went on TREK, that was such a great experience and the kids in our family were fabulous. Then we had Parker's B-day he is 13! And then it was Brielle's B-day she is 2! After that we went to Timpanogos, the granite flats campgrounds and had our Dellinger kids and mom reunion. That was great fun. Then it was the 4th of July and the neighborhood breakfast was a bigger hit than last years and of course a huge water fight sent me home. :) We watched the fireworks with a few of our friends and that was fun. Then it was my B-day and I went downtown and had lunch at the Nauvoo Cafe, they have the best sandwiches ever, with Connie, Allen's mom. We rode Trax and took Brielle, she loved the train. And then we went to St. George for a quick weekend trip. And then in between those times I was busy with kids and all their stuff, especially since Morgan and McKay didnt get out of school until June 30th. We had to get a new van, the ford DIED on us, the same day we were getting ready to go to the mountain. Luckily we were at home and not on our way up the canyon. But of course then we had to rent a vehicle until we could look for a new one. That always is a bummer!!! Oh well the story of the Dellingers I guess. :)