Monday, April 30, 2007

Some really fun news!!

Allen and I were called the other night by the Stake to go on a Youth Trek for Youth Conference as a Ma and Pa. We are soo excited to do this, we did this about 10 years ago when we lived in St. George and had a wonderful experience and we are hoping for another great experience with the youth in our stake. We go in June on the 20th 21st and 22nd. Can't wait!!

Parker does it again!!

I am so excited to say that once again Parker has made the Honor Roll at school and also the citizenship club for having exceptional behavior. We are so proud of him and his accomplishments. I will have to take a picture of the certificates and get them posted on here. WAY TO GO AGAIN PARKER!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Time flys!!

I am just so amazed at how time just speeds right past me!! I havent written on this blog for so long, I just saw that it was in Dec. the last time I wrote. Alot has been going on, all the kids stuff and the daily grind junk. Like I posted earlier Parker is playing the bass and is doing very good at that, Morgan and McKay are off track at the moment so they are driving me nuts with the whole "We're sooo bored" thing, and Aidan and Brielle are just doing the same old thing they always do. It sounds like we have a boring life but somehow it really isnt, the kids and work and home keep us really busy. The weather is supposed to be really good this weekend so we are going to get our vegetable garden ready for planting. I love gardening and haveing fresh veggies it is soo great and the strawberries look like they are going to do better this year than they did last year. Aidan will be happy about that.

We went to St. George for Easter and had a great time with the family. Plus it was nice and warm so the kids swam in the pool almost all day everyday. My little fish!! Here are some pics of this visit.

Way to go Parker!!

Parker is the best, in the Jordan School District that is. He was involved in a festival last night that honored the best orchestra players in the District. He plays the Bass and is doing sooo well. His teacher at school nominated him to play in Honors Orchestra and he got it. He only started playing the bass at the beginning of the school year and has made it this far!! I am soo proud of him and I know he will be able to go far with this talent of his. WAY TO GO PARKY!!